Swiss Science Data Center Software Tools
Before launch, the main responsibility of the Swiss SDC is to develop software for the Euclid pipeline data analysis. The specifications are provided by the OU teams and the implementation follows the Euclid software development standards. However, in order to obtain high quality software pipelines, large and extensive testing and validation campaigns are required. For each of the developed software tool, our strategy is to produce a core product, which can be used both in the pipeline and in an interactive, more user friendly environment. The second versions of our tools are distributed through this web page as soon as possible, first to the Euclid (Ou and SWG) groups and later to the science community at large. It is clear that the larger is the users' basis the better will be the eventual scientific validation.
Elements is a C++/Python software development framework providing building and packaging facilities as well as some low level program options and logging functionalities. A non-Euclid version is being developed and will be provided through this web site as soon as possible.
Phosphoros is an implementation of a photometric redshift template fitting method. A probability value is derived from the comparison of the computed to the observed photometric values, for each model of a large set. These models are computed from red-shifted and absorbed template Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs). The probability values form Probability Density Function (PDF) in different dimensions, the most common and useful one being the 1-D PDF providing probabilities as a function of redshift, but it can also output the most likely photometric redshift.